Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Joslin Farm


Joslin Farm (mp3) (pdf)

One of my favorite places is the Kings Landing living history historical settlement, nestled along the St. John River just west of Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Joslin Farm is one of the features of a visit to the park and I've enjoyed visiting it several times.

There is apparently another very nice place with a similar name in Vermont, the Joslin Round Barn Farm. I think I would enjoy visiting there someday too. So the title of this tune, like many tune titles, can evoke different reactions depending on your own history.

Even though I have zero interest in the Game of Thrones phenomenon I do realize that "King's Landing" is a place in that universe as well. I think our imaginations are probably big enough for both fictional places to coexist. I can guarantee, however, that a physical visit to the Joslin Farm at Kings Landing in New Brunswick will add some pleasure to your life.

I've had this tune for a couple of years with a different title and I realized that I was holding it back because something about the title wasn't just right. With a little thought I found this solution, I hope you enjoy the result.

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