Sunday, January 19, 2020

Low and Outside (2020)

Low and Outside (2020) (mp3) (pdf)

This week's tune started in the 20th century but I just recently completed it. The A section of Low and Outside has had more than a couple of B sections added to it over the years. I think the one presented here is a keeper. I've chosen to record it at a comfortable tempo rather than try to force it into a higher speed dance tune, although I know that it works pretty well that way too. Play it as fast as you want.

The title is clearly a baseball reference. I was a decent pitcher in my early teens (before the Beatles led me astray) but I was not one to overpower a batter with my blazing speed. On my good days, though, I could put the ball where I wanted it and low and outside was often a good place to start with a batter who was eager to hit it out of the park.

The photo above was taken just after Christmas in the vicinity of Decorah's famous Ice Cave. Things are a little more snow covered and much colder here today.

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