In some parts of North America flowers are blooming and Spring has sprung. Here in northeast Iowa things are looking up, but we had some snow yesterday. Friday, however, we were in southern Indiana at New Harmony. The photo above is of a plaque that stands outside the door of the Chapel of the Little Portion. Even though the feast of St. Francis is celebrated in October his words are especially appropriate at the beginning of the growing season.
Our first tune for 2009 (after a nearly 3 month layoff) comes from a recording that Erik Sessions and I made at Patrice Pakiz's house back in February. Easter Waltz is a few years old now and Erik and I have played it a few times, both with Contratopia and without, in different keys and arrangements.
The version we play here is how the tune appears in the new 31 Waltzes tunebook that I recently finished putting together. You can click on the link above to learn a little more about the book. If you would like a copy you can follow the Paypal links from the book's webpage to order either a PDF version or a printed copy from me. A number of the waltzes in the book have appeared in this blog but the majority have not. If you enjoy playing waltzes I think you might find several of these tunes to be interesting and fun. With luck you might even discover some "spiritual gladness" hidden within.